Stakeholder Advisory Council
The Stakeholder Advisory Council gives Teranet Manitoba’s clients a forum to provide input on ways we can continuously improve our services, and address major challenges and opportunities.
Stakeholder Advisory Council Members
The Council is composed of a broad cross-section of our client stakeholder groups in Manitoba.
- Alec Stuart, Manitoba Hydro
- Derrick Stewart, Jacobson & Greiner Group
- Dewey Hoplock, GeoManitoba
- Glenda Hayward, Credit Union Central
- Jason Bryk, Manitoba Bar Association, Real Property Subsection
- Jeff M. Shypit, Robertson Shypit Soble Wood
- Jeff Smith, City of Winnipeg
- Julie Friesen, Manitoba Real Estate Association
- Kim Kostelnyk, Consumer Protection and Government Services, Government of Manitoba
- Kate Craton, Law Society of Manitoba
- Lanny McInnes, Manitoba Home Builders Association
- Michael Carruthers, Urban Development Institute of Manitoba
- Neil Trenholm, Office of the Registrar-General, Government of Manitoba
Senior Management Team
Our senior management team sets the strategic direction for Teranet Manitoba and leads our diverse team of employees across Manitoba.
Meeting Materials
Meetings are closed to the public. Please contact our Client Service Team to request copies of meeting agendas and minutes.